2025 Parade Entry Rules & Regulations

The Parade Committee has found that a few simple, basic rules and regulations have contributed greatly to our efficiency and the public’s enjoyment of our annual event. In this spirit, we ask that the following guidelines be carried out. 

  1. All entry blanks must be filled out completely and mailed to the above address by the 28th of FEBRUARY, 2025. All ENTRIES require different entry fees depending on affiliation and size. Please include the applicable fee (via the website, check, or money order) with your application made out to THE PHOENIX ST. PATRICK’S  DAY PARADE COMMITTEE. If your entry is not selected, your check will be returned to you immediately.

  2. All entries are subject to the approval of the Parade committee. All decisions are final. 

  3. All entries (except floats, see #4 below) must be at their designated area and report to the check-in desk on the North East corner of Oak and 3rd St. in front of Monterey Park Elementary School by no later than 9:00 A.M. 

  4. FLOATS may be either Horse-drawn or Motorized. All Floats must be in their designated  Areas and report to the check-in desk on the North East corner of Oak and 3rd St. in front of Monterey Park Elementary School by 8:30 AM.  

    1. All floats MUST carry a Fire Extinguisher on the outside of the float.  Advertising and identification of the float should be kept to a minimum and always in good taste. Floats deemed inappropriate will not be permitted to enter the parade route. In the spirit of the day, the committee requests that all floats adhere to the keeping the scene green theme,  coinciding with this year’s parade theme, “Our Emerald Anniversary”. 

  5. It is IMPERATIVE that all entries maintain the pace throughout the entire parade route.  Parade Marshals stationed along the route are responsible for keeping the pace, please watch for them and follow their instructions. 

  6. In the interest of safety, the THROWING OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY MATERIAL  BY AN ENTRANT IS PROHIBITED. This is in accordance with the guidelines of the  City of Phoenix Police Dept. You may PASS OUT items along the route, but not to impede the flow of the parade.  


  8. All ANIMAL entries must have PROOF OF INSURANCE. Please indicate the name of your insurance company, the policy number, and the expiration date on the parade entry form.

  9. While face coverings are highly encouraged, we ask that you do your best to socially distance yourself from other entries and people along the parade route.